Monday, September 29, 2014

Espiritu de Zenteno

As a job search only did I pursue the Latin sounds of the Zenteno brothers. I got a chance to see Al Pagliano
Roberto , Javier and Ernesto well as Luis and Linny.This was the first time since forced sabbatical that I saw them perform.

Zentenos Live

As you may recall I was invited after seeing them at the Club Bohemios and dedicating the set under Bob Henschen and Anthony Brock with Keith Carnagy ,
 to the Zenteno Family both living and Gone Home. I miss Norma as do you too if you ever heard the heart in her singing. When I heard Sal, who has a band of her own with her husband, my mind was blown by the similitude to the phrasing , tone and pitch of Norma's voice

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